One of the biggest changes is how you maintain your rig.

So what if i like to drive for 25 straight hours!?! Johnny law ensures that you pull your butt over after you've exceeded your daily allowable road time.booorriiinng. I have yet to find out how to turn off that yawning idiot. Keeping an eye on your logbook is also a must now. Unaffortunately, johnny law seems to be more frequent than in PTTM, which in my opinion is a real drag as I'm one who like to turn and burn hauling loads. Johnny lawman seems to make swiss cheese out of your earnings in a hurry if you try to drive any different that a good catholic boy. The jobs just don't pay what they did in PTTM and that only part of it. Certain differences here are the fact, money isn't easily made, there is alot more traffic and certainly more truck traffic (good if you like the CB chatter) and the lack of a star rating or 'prestige' system. The whole job scheduleing process has changed but hold some similiarities. You start out on your own with a truck already picked for you and a small loan (or more depending on level of difficulty). It is much different when compared to PTTM. There was an addition of 2 or 3 new trucks, but the rest of the trucks and their paint schemes remain the same from PTTM. The HUD and interior cab views have changes a little bit making used of more gauges and much better appearance and individuality between each different truck. have been improved and are more realistic and easier to navigate. The roads, roadways, on and off ramps, etc. (Convoy was between these but it was such a disappointing TURD, i dare not speak of its existence) The graphics in Haulin/LongHaul are a bit more crisp, the AI drivers are more realistic (but still needing improvement). However, Haulin/Long Haul does have a few improvements over the PTTM and earlier versions.

There is little to no difference between Haulin and American Long Haul other than the fact that the cites and roads extend into Mexico and more in Canada. I plan to play it a little more to try and gain some kind of understanding as to how they feel the way you get your jobs is any improvement over how it was done in PTTM. I own 18WOS Haulin and haven't really logged on as many hours of gameplay as i have on 18WOS Across America and Pedal to the Metal. Thankfully it was a FREE download as I would have been pretty pissed off to have had paid for it expecting a totally new game. By Dano78 | Review Date: OctoI downloaded the free trial of 18WOS American Long Haul.